Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So I've been a little busy...

Feeling bad about not blogging for such a long time! It may have something to do with the fact that I drove over 3,000 miles in the past week. I've been through New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, California, and now I'm in Seattle, Washington. Whew. Pictures should be coming soon!

I think the craziest sight was in Iowa. Ashley and I had no idea that there were tornado warnings in Iowa when we got there. We had driven for a while and decided to finally stop outside of Iowa City after much debate on whether we should have kept going. When we got going the next day, we drove about twenty minutes away from Iowa City and saw about four 18 wheelers and two RV's completely flipped on their sides on the side of the highway. We even recognized passing a few of them on our way through Iowa the night before. We eventually found out that the tornadoes had created 100 mph wind gusts that were blowing trucks and RV's off the road. Thankfully we stopped when we did or it could have been pretty hazardous for us!

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